Great Helm in the Barony of Tir Ysgithr

Written by Kingdom Social Media

Great Helm

Saturday and Sunday, March 12th & 13th, 2022

 Great Helm is upon us!

 It is time to choose the new champions for Tir Ysgithr’s Baron and Baroness!
We will once again gather to watch our brave combatants take the field as they fight for the honor of becoming Captain of the Guard, Rapier Captain, Youth Champion and Hardsuit /Rapier Guardsmen. Details of the tournaments will follow closer to the event in consultation with Their Excellencies and Their current Captain, Sir Gregior.

 This year, we will accomplish all within one full day of Tournaments at Himmel Park.  Opening court will be at the discretion of Their Excellencies, Ruadhan and Thyri, with tournaments to begin immediately following.

 Sunday will see the return of the Gawd Awful Grail! 

 Wear your gawdiest garb and come help shun the plague!! Prizes for the gawdiest garb will be had by the best!

Unbelted fighters, come show your skills to the knights and bring your best fights to vanquish the plague from our lands!! Anyone can fight but only a Tir Ysgithrian can take home the grail! The weapons style will be chosen at random on Sunday, so Fighters are encouraged to bring all their weapons.


Due to Parks and Rec no staking requirements, we encourage everyone to bring banners, tapestries and anything to make a modern popup look and feel like a pavilion.  Prizes for the best decorations will be awarded.

 Site Open: 9:00am both days

Event Location: Himmel Park 1000 N Tucson Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85716

Please remember your face covering whether you are vaccinated or not. Masks are required at all times unless eating or actively fighting.

Please do not drive on the grass during setup and tear down. 

There is shade and water on site.

There is also playground equipment nearby where parents may take their children.

The site is discreetly wet and smoking is allowed outside only, per City of Tucson Law. 

Pets are also allowed at the site. Pets must be leashed at all times and you are required to pick up after them.

NO STAKING is allowed, please plan for popups 

 Event Registration: This fee will cover attendance for both days.
Members – $10 (Members receive $5 discount)
Non-Members – $15
Youth (17 and under) – Free

Pre-registration is required, we are not able to accept Site Fees at the Gate. You can register at this link here through the SCA-rs system.

Because of the fees involved to use the SCA-rs system, Atenveldt has set a minimum $1.00 refund processing fee.

 Event Steward: Bannthegn Tigra MacKay of Marwode

Tournament Event Steward: Sir Wolfgrim Kolbrandsson, Baronial Marshal



 From the north, take I-10 to Speedway exit 257, proceed east and turn right at Treat Ave., one block past Tucson Blvd.

 From the South, take I-10 to Alvernon exit, proceed north, and turn left on Speedway, then proceed west and turn left at Treat Ave., past Country Club.

The park is one block south of Speedway, just past the library. Parking is available on the street or in the parking lot to the west of the library. 

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