Office of
Press & Social Media
The Social Media officer is responsible for maintaining the Kingdom’s online image and providing information to the populace, help promote events, as well as maintaining social media accounts the Kingdoms and Local Groups use.
Arglwydd Skadi Addæson
Kingdom Social Media Officer
- Pronouns – they/them
- Warrant ends – 8/31/2025
Want to help promote the kingdom?
This office is always looking for deputies! Contact the Kingdom Seneschal about Media Promotions or Social Media.
Social Media & Press Documents & Forms
Society Public Relations Webpage
Media Relations & External Publicity (Media Policy) – Guidelines for SCA officers’ interactions with modern media organizations
Commercial Film and Photography Rules
Event-specific Press Release – Contains sample data & suggestions. Fill in your particular event information
Model Release Form (PDF with fillable blanks)
Photographer Release Form (PDF with fillable blanks)