SCA Name: Elena Zharkova
OP Link: https://op.atenveldt.org/people/profile/6526
What is your Current position in the SCA?
I am now the newly invested Baroness of the beautiful Twin Moons
When was this spotlight filled out?
Defenders March 2022
What is the Blazon for your heraldry?
Per pale wavy azure and vert, a natural sea-tortoise and a plumeria flower argent
Do you or have you ever held any warranted offices?
Emergency Deputy Exchequer, Exchequer, and now Baroness of Twin Moons
How did you find the SCA?
Volchekh introduced me to the SCA in February of 2018. He had been playing for about 8 years at that time.

Pictured to the Left:
Volchekh and I at Estrella 2018
What was your first event?
Estrella 2018 was my first event. I made a dress for it after finding out that I would be attending 7 days prior to the event.
Where have you played in the SCA?
Twin Moons
What is your favorite SCA memory?
There is nothing quite like your first war. I only attended Estrella 2018 as a day trip but seeing all of the merchants, the fighters on the field, and the endless sea of period tents was an unmatched experience. That night, we sat around the fire drinking mead and telling stories/singing songs. There is just something extra magical about war.
Pictured to the Right:
Baron Volchekh and I at Defenders 2022
What is your persona?
My persona is Rus Viking as Baron Volchekh has a very robust persona developed in this same style so I wanted to explore this region and period with him.
What is your biggest passion in the SCA?
I love the endless opportunities to learn new things. There are so many amazing different art styles that are prevalent in the SCA. I love taking classes and watching others display their passion for their art. There are so many people that are willing to teach and demonstrate their art which really makes me feel like I’m part of the action. My favorite art styles that I have tried would be stamp-making and spinning on the drop spindle.
What current projects are you working on?
I am mostly working on learning all that I need to know about my new position as your Baroness! As far as art, I have been learning more about scribal arts and practicing spinning yarn on my drop spindle.

Pictured to the Left:
Sending a few rounds downrange at the Archery Champions tournament 2022
What skill do you want to learn in the SCA?
I would really like to continue to sample more unique art styles. This Kingdom has so much to give and I want the chance to experience all of it.
If you could attend your “dream” SCA event, what would it look like? Theme, tournament, feast, Share with us the details please.
War is just the best. There is something so special about war that can’t quite be replicated under different circumstances. Honestly, my dream SCA event would just be a war with NO RAIN. If you know, you know. #mudstrella2019
If you could wake up with an SCA talent you do not already have, what would it be?
I would love to wake up as a master fiber artist. I have tried many things but the opportunity to wake up being fully proficient in all of it would save so much time!
What goals do you have within the SCA?
Sir Volchekh and I are excited to watch the Barony flourish again after the unfortunate plague times. It is our hope that we can bring back some of the stardust that has been missing.
Pictured to the Right:
Sitting for one of my first courts at Defenders 2022
What advice would you give a new SCA person?
My advice would be to not be afraid to ask questions! It’s hard to know what you don’t know when you come into a game like this. There is a lot to learn and a lot to explore that can feel overwhelming all at once. Feel free to ask someone to tell you more about their art or their fighting gear or why they are wearing a pointy hat. The best way to really get into the SCA is to better understand what you’re seeing around you.
What keeps you in the SCA?
There is nothing quite like the “stardust” high of a really fun SCA event. When everyone comes together and has a great day of food and fighting and fun, that feeling that it gives you can be addictive. I have met so many wonderful people since joining the SCA and I can’t wait to continue to make amazing memories with them for many years to come.

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