Written by Kingdom Social Media

Letter of Intent, News, Official Announcements

Last updated Mar 1, 2024


The Baron and Baroness of Twin Moons are preparing to conclude their tenure and enjoy a much deserved retirement. It is time to request Letters of Intent. On Thursday, January 25th 2024 at the Quartermoon Tournament there will be a polling for the next pair to lead the barony who will step up at Border Wars, March 21st-24th.

Below are the Guidelines for Participation as a Baronial Candidate

1. Baronial candidates must be current paid members and must receive their Southwind or have an SCA membership in a Zip Code belonging to the Barony of Twin Moons.
2. Candidates must be at least 18 years old.
3. Candidates must have Letters of Intent in the hands of the Crown, the Kingdom
Seneschal, and the Baron and Baroness no later than Sunda, December 10th 2023. Letters should be written with the understanding that (if accepted by the Crown), the letters will be published in the Baronial Newsletter for the populace to review prior to the polling.
4. Candidates must include the below information in their Letter of Intent:
~ Full contact information, including SCA & modern names, addresses, phone
numbers, email, and membership numbers & expiration date
~ Their reasons for seeking the position
~ Their history of participation in the SCA and the Barony of Twin Moons
~ Their plans for the future of the group
5. Their understanding of the responsibilities of the position of Baron and Baroness.
6. Their statement that they are willing to be installed with a two or three year
warrant in the position, and understand their Letter of Intent will be published in the Baronial Newsletter if their candidacy is accepted by the Crown.

Questions about these guidelines should be directed to the Kingdom Seneschal at

In addition, please review the following information regarding your participation in the Barony of Twin Moons Polling.

A polling of the current paid members of the Barony of Twin Moons will be conducted on Thursday January 25th 2024 to determine their support of candidates for Baron and Baroness.

The populace should be aware that if the first polling does not show a clear preference of the populace, a second polling may be held immediately following the closing and  tabulation of ballots for the first poll. Members are encouraged to plan to remain onsite to participate should a second poll be necessary.

To participate in all pollings held that day, you must be a Sustaining, Associate, or Family member who is 18 years old or older, and must receive a Southwind or have an SCA membership in a Zip Code belonging to the Barony of Twin Moons.

1. Current paid memberships will be verified on a membership list at the polling site, or you may present an online membership renewal dated after the date the membership list was generated by the Milpitas Registry. The Kingdom Seneschal recommends you bring proof of membership with you to ensure participation in the poll.
2. You must reside in zip codes belonging to the Barony of Twin Moons, and this will be verified on the membership list at the polling site.
3. NOTE: Paid members who play in the Barony of Twin Moons, but do not reside in the zip codes belonging to the Barony, may not cast ballots. However, they are encouraged to make their views on candidates known to the Crown by sending personal letters to the Crown and  Kingdom Seneschal expressing their candidate selections and preferences. The Crown will consider such letters when reviewing the polling results.
4. You must be 18 years old or older & present a picture ID at the polling site that shows
your date of birth or age.


If you DO NOT HAVE a membership address in a zip code assigned to the Barony of Twin Moons, but your membership is current in a zip code in metropolitan Phoenix, you will be
asked to sign a Pledge Form before you can receive a ballot. The Pledge Form shows your agreement with this statement:

I consider myself a member of the populace of the Barony of Barony of Twin Moons, and promise the Crown of Atenveldt that I will not cast a ballot in any Pollings held in the Barony of Sun Dragon or the Barony of Atenveldt for 3 years following the date of this polling.

A list of the members who sign this Pledge Form will be kept by the Kingdom Seneschal office, and by the Seneschals of the three Baronies in the Phoenix metropolitan area. After signing the Pledge Form, you will be given a different color ballot to indicate your preference
for Baron and Baroness.

Questions about these guidelines should be directed to the Kingdom Seneschal at

In Service,
Master Edward Harrison
Kingdom Seneschal

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