Their Excellencies Nathaniel Schaffer and Swetiua de Torletoninvite one and all to join the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus for a Yule time celebration on December 18th.

Come join the gentles of these lands for an evening of feasting, merriment, and comradery. Presented in the theme of Saturnalia, the Roman celebration of yule time that similarly resembles many of the traditions of present-day winter festivals and celebrations. The nights activities will include not only feasting, but also a best dressed table setting area and silent auction fundraiser. Stay tuned for workshops planned in advanced to help gentles and ladies prepare appropriate attire for this themed event.

Event Steward: Illaria Volpe Della Scala (

Co-Steward: Ekakibe Yukiko-sama   (

Feast Steward: Mariette Dominique du Beau (

Time: 4:00pm – 10:00pm

Location: Elgin Community Hall (4754 Elgin Rd, Elgin, AZ 85611)

Sites Fees

SCA Adult: $10   ($12 pay at gate)

Non-SCA Adult: $15   ($17 pay at gate)

Youth: $0

Adult Feast: $10   ($15 pay at gate)

Youth Feast: $5   ($10 pay at gate)

*** Only 10 additional feasts will be sold at gate. ***

Deadline for event registration and feast registration is December 4th.

Directions from Sierra Vista:

Hwy 90 toward Interstate I-10, left onto Hwy 82 for 11 miles, left on Upper Elgin Rd for 4.7 miles, left into Elgin Community Hall.


Directions from Tucson:

Go east on I-10 and exit at Route 83 (scenic highway), Proceed south on Route 83 approximately 29 miles to Elgin Rd, continue straight onto Upper Elgin Rd. for 4.7 miles, right turn into Elgin Community Hall.

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