This position reports to the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer and is responsible for the set up and maintenance of online registrations for the kingdom of Atenveldt. A successful deputy will have a financial warrant and work online to meet the duties and responsibilities of the position. As events are created, this deputy will inform and coach the event steward through the process of event registration submission and prepare event sign in rosters and final payment documentation.
Computer Skills:
  • Set up and access google email
  • Access and organize online google folders
  • Download reports and create sign in rosters (PDF, Excel)
Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Daily check and expedient responses to emails and voicemails
  • Set up, monitor, and close online registration for events within Atenveldt
  • Communicate with corporate office to close events and request income payments
  • Document all monetary transactions
  • Provide timely reports and sign in rosters to event stewards/local exchequers for their events
  • Monthly account transfers from PayPal to kingdom account


Letters of intent should be sent to

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