Kingdom Deputy Royal Archer

The Deputy Kingdom Royal Archer is delegated specific tasks instructed by the Kingdom Royal Archer (KRA). The KRA’s overall duties are: Be responsible for target archery and shall be under the authority of the Earl Marshal Interpret and maintain the Kingdom rules for...

Kingdom Deputy Seneschal

The Deputy Kingdom Seneschal is delegated specific tasks instructed by the Kingdom Seneschal. The Kingdom Seneschal’s overall duties are: Maintain Kingdom Law and administer changes to Kingdom Law Advise the Crown on Kingdom Law and Corpora Call such meetings, require...

Kingdom Deputy Sheriff

The Deputy Kingdom Sheriff is delegated specific tasks instructed by the Kingdom Sheriff. The Kingdom Sheriff’s overall duties are: Be responsible for Watch at Kingdom events Be responsible for Lost and Found at Kingdom events and Estrella War, including publishing...

Kingdom Deputy Waiver Secretary

The Deputy Kingdom Waiver Secretary is delegated specific tasks instructed by the Kingdom Waiver Secretary. The Kingdom Waiver Secretary’s overall duties are:  Be warranted by, and report directly to, the Kingdom Seneschal and the Crown, with copies of reports sent to...

Kingdom Deputy Web Minister

The Deputy Web Minister is delegated specific tasks instructed by the Kingdom Webminister. The Kingdom Web Minister’s overall duties are: Act as the recognizing authority for, and maintain a roster of, recognized Kingdom, Estrella War and local SCA group...
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