Online Fighter Cards & Accessing Them!

Written by Kingdom Webminister

News, Official Announcements

Last updated Mar 1, 2024

Greetings Everyone,

Yesterday we rolled out the NEW Fighter Card Online System at Southern War Practice. As many of you know the Marshallate has not been issuing new cards because they were waiting on this system to be finished.

You will not be able to access the online fighter card system until you have had your email account and other basic info added to the system, so if you were not at a war practice you will not be able to get in. Some things like your fighter number and other basic info are in there.

If you are a new fighter, one that has never been authorized in Atenveldt before, there is a strong chance that none of your info will be in the system yet. You will still need to contact a warranted local marshal to get the paperwork filled out and signed and have that sent to Kingdom List Officer. If you have been authorized in the past a local marshal should be able to get your authorizations approved. Right now we are working on getting all the local marshals trained and access given.

The new website can be accessed from here


it can be found on the top of the Kingdom Website here:

With the help of Mistress Airianna, Mistress Elaine, Lady Æsa Knarrabringa, and I we were able to get everyone that filled out a form into the system with their email accounts, so people can log into their account.

Lady Aurora Faw was kind enough to design the handout linked below to show you have to use the website.

We will continue to assist people in getting their email addresses added so everyone can access their account at the following events:

Central War Practice
Northern War Practice

If you are a Warranted Local Marshal you have an E-Mail detailing how to get trained to assist with authorizing local fighters.

Currently the people that can approve authorizations are:

Kingdom Earl Marshal & Deputies

  • Barony of Twin Moons- Eógan Steinson 
  • Barony of Mons Tonitrus- Hienrich Loescher von Rostock

Kingdom Rapier Marshal & Deputies

  • Barony of Atenveldt- Ritchyrd McUath
  • Barony of Twin Moons- Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
  • Barony of Mons Tonitrus- Juliana la Caminante de Navarra
Local Rapier Marshal
  • Barony of Twin Moons- Sancha Galindo de Toledo
  • Barony of Mons Tonitrus- Nikolaus Gerhart

We need all fighters to check in with the List at War Practices so we can get your info. (Including your email address) into the system. Once that info have been inputted then you can access your online account.

Thank you for your patience while we roll this out.

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