It’s time again for the Barony of Granite Mountain’s Champions event (May 17th-19th). This years theme is “fun and games.” Expect all activities (bardic, rapier, armored combat, A&S, archery, and thrown weapons) to have a game element. For example, our rapier competition will be a variation on musical chairs. The A&S competition will bring 2 of your best items (one of which will be donated towards largesse). We will have the park all weekend and the Senior Center on Saturday. The fighting competitions, A&S, and Bardic will be on Saturday. Archery and thrown weapons will be on Sunday morning at the home of their excellencies.
This year, we will some camping available at the park. It will be limited to 10 tents (the first 10 that sign up) and 5 RVs. So, if you want to come in on Friday afternoon (after 2:00 p.m.) to set up, you can. Following afternoon court on Saturday, all are invited to a traditional medieval meal of Stone Soup. The members of the populace are requested, per the tradition of Stone Soup, to enhance this gastronomic delight by bringing items to add to the soup caldrons, for example: potatoes, carrots, rutabagas, parsnips, squash, mushrooms, peas, leeks, cabbage, onions. To compliment the Stone Soup, a hand-held dessert will be offered. If you have feast gear, please remember to pack your bowls and spoons.
Site fees are $25 per for members and $35 for non-members. (Youth, 17 and under, are free.) There is no feast fee, as we, the populace, are bringing the ingredients!
The event site is at Memory Park at Palomino Road and Road 1 West in Chino Valley. Archery and thrown weapons will be at 1655 W. Road 4 ½ North. The site is discretely damp.
A&S, Rapier, Hardsuit, Bardic
Archery, Thrown Weapons (Sunday)