At this time, Marshalls have determined that war practice is still on.
Chivalry circle is currently going on as scheduled, and status will be assessed afterwards.
At this time, Marshalls have determined that war practice is still on.
Chivalry circle is currently going on as scheduled, and status will be assessed afterwards.
Glorious Atenveldt, we have heirs!!! On Saturday, September 14th AS LIX, Duke Morgan Æthelwulf won the day and crowned himself Crown Prince. Beside him, Duchess Elizabeth Æthelwulf will reign. This will be their fifth time upon the Solar Thrones. ...
Greetings unto the Noble Populace of Atenveldt! The Premier Barony of the Known World will be hosting an Investiture at its Yule event on December 7th, 2024.
Join us as Baron Nikolaus Von Erlach and Baroness Valdis Skarpa step down into retirement and we invest our new Baron and Baroness.
Their Excellencies of The Barony March of Mons Tonitrus and The Barony of Tir Ysgithir invite one and all to come join us for Melee Camp! Bear witness as the two southernmost baronies come together to host an amazing weekend.
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