Draw nigh and pray attend to the call of Their Excellencies, Baron Ruadhan and Baroness Thyri as they herald in the incoming Baron and Baroness of Tir Ysgithr, Jorgen and Aesa!  The Barony of Tir Ysgithr wishes to invite its populace to witness and say goodbye to our outgoing and herald in the new Baron and Baroness onto the thrones and choose their new champions. Please join us in the festivities for the Barony of Tir Ysgithr’s Investiture as we celebrate ‘The Plague Leaving Our Land’.  

SITE OPEN/CLOSE: Friday, March 3, 2023 2 PM— Sunday, March 5, 2023 2 PM 


EVENT STEWARD: Lady A’isha al-Zarqa (Known Mundanely as Bunny/Amanda Creed)

Email: ahansen410@gmail.com


● 2 PM: Site Opens
● 7 PM: Evening Farewell Court-Plague Doctors are welcomed!
● Following Court: Bonfire Farewell Party- The final farewell for Their Excellencies will be a bonfire celebration. If you would like to participate in the potluck, we ask that you bring snacks and desserts. 


● 10 am Morning Court and Investiture
● Following Court Champion Tournaments: Captain of the Guard, Rapier Champion and Lieutenant/Guardsman, Youth Combat Champion (Heavy and potentially Rapier), and Archery Champion.
● 3 PM Closing Court
● 6 PM Feast



● 10 AM Morning Court
● Following Court: Cut and Thrust Champion and Lieutenant of the Heavy Guard.
● After Fighting: Closing Court
● 2 PM: Site Closes


Adult/Child: $30.00

Adult/Child Member: $25.00 with discount



FEE: Adult/Child: $8.00

We have a cap of 70 people maximum for the Feast however sideboards are welcome! There is plenty of seating and also plenty of room to bring your own chairs and tables. 



A selection of cheese, bread, olive oil and tapenade, farro with mushrooms, fresh herb salad, chicken (Ancient Roman recipe for dormouse), lentils, asparagus, and cheesecake with honey.

If you would like to RSVP for the feast or event, please do so no later than 2/21/2023.


Catalina State Park 

Gila Monster Group Site

11570 N Oracle Rd 

Tucson, AZ 85737




From Tucson: 

Take Oracle Road North to Innovation Market Drive

Turn right (East) to the ranger station and proceed on down the road

Parking is free for attendees. Please mention you are with the SCA when you arrive

If you have a state park pass, we ask that you use that instead

Turn Left at the signs for the group sites and follow to the Gila Monster Site

If you reach the turnaround for the trailhead, you have gone too far.


From the I10: 

Take the Tangerine Road exit and head East

Turn Right onto Innovation Market Drive and follow the street to Oracle Road

Pass through Oracle and proceed to the ranger station then further down the road

Parking is free for attendees. Please mention you are with the SCA when you arrive

If you have a state park pass, we ask that you use that instead

Turn Left at the signs for the group sites and follow to the Gila Monster Site

If you reach the turnaround for the trailhead, you have gone too far.



When you arrive at the gate, you do not have to pay for parking, simply explain that you are here for the SCA event, and you will be given a parking pass. If you have a state park pass, we ask that you use that instead to help with event costs. 


Parking for this event is very limited. We ask everyone to please carpool whenever possible. Just across the street, there is an In and Out Burger with a huge parking lot. We strongly recommend that you please park there and carpool on the way into the park. 



● Showers are available as well as stone privies! There are 3 shower stalls in each bathroom and the facilities are incredibly clean. Drinkable water and trash are also available as well as an adorable tiny library. 
● The site is a Wet site, Glass is allowed, but as always, clean up after yourself. Fire is allowed provided it is propane and elevated from the ground. 
● Pets are allowed but they must be on a leash at all times.
● Quiet Hours are from 10 PM to 7 AM. Please be respectful of the other sites.
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