Border Wars A&S Competition

by | Last updated Mar 1, 2024 | All News

Like any other war, Border Wars: The Succession of Alexander the Great: A War of Three Generals will have an A&S Competition. We want to celebrate the Arts and Sciences of Alexander the Great’s world. He ruled a large part of the ancient world stretching from Greece to northwestern India for almost 13 years so that gives you as artisans a lot of places to choose from.
To enter, your submission must be roughly from the time period of Alexander the Great and shortly after his death. There are no restrictions on what you can make, but documentation is required. So let’s show off our Macedonian, Ancient Greek, Persian, Egyptian, etc Clothing, Jewelry, Pottery, or anything else that was around.
Submissions must be presented no later than 9 am on Saturday, February 19th with judging to begin at 10 am.
On behalf of the Council of Stewards, 
Orsula Gelso
Barony of Atenveldt

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