Bids for Summer Crown

by | Last updated Mar 1, 2024 | All News

Is there a summer crown tournament?
Yes, there is! Summer Crown Tournament is coming to a location near you on July 16-17, 2022!
But where exactly will it be held? 

What an excellent question! That depends on the bids that are submitted by
March 16, 2022.

How do I submit a bid?
Complete the application document and send it to
Here is the link to the file for the bid:
How will I know if my bid was accepted?
The KFC meets monthly and will contact everyone who submitted a bid to let them know which ones were awarded.
How much does it cost to host a kingdom event?
NOTHING! The income covers all the expenses and half the profits are paid to the event steward’s local barony, REGARDLESS of where the event was held. Those who do the work, reap the rewards!

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