Colleges (School Clubs)
The University of Arizona has it’s own school club focused on the SCA! These clubs are the College branches.
College of Saint Felix (Active)
This college is affiliated with the University of Arizona (UArizona).
Kingdom and Barony events can be found in the kingdom calendar
Traditionally in April Sir Sable, the vile Knight who thinks himself master of the college students of St. Felix, makes a bid to oppress those he thinks of as his subjects. The students arrange a tournament where local and visiting fighters compete in a tournament to champion the College and fight the vile black knight – Sir Sable. Armored Combatants face Sir Sable, while rapier fighters face Rogue Noir, and youth fighters challenge a Sable Minion to free the students from tyranny! During this event the College reaffirms its alliance with the Barony of Tir Ysgithr and passes the College regalia from one generation of students to the next.