Greetings Fair Populace,
Though it makes us heartsore and we all share in the weariness of this wretched illness, it is incumbent upon us to think firstly of the safety and needs of the people of Atenveldt.
Recent events indicate an increased surge in the variety, threat, and frequency of our new enemy. We do not wish to give in entirely by closing again, and desire to at least mitigate the risks inherent in our gatherings by reinstating masks for all events and in-person gatherings of any SCA nature.
It is thus our edict that masks shall be worn the entirety of the time when in person, except when eating, drinking or fighting. Please be cautious and mindful to the best of your abilities.
For those of you traveling to other lands, please be aware that several other kingdoms have already reinstated this mandate, of particular and immediate note, the Kingdom of Caid who is hosting Great Western War.
We will reconsider this and remove the edict at our earliest opportunity. We pray that we all get to relax our vigilance soon and be, once again, a thriving land bustling with activity.
With our warmest regards, and a sincere devotion to you all,
Morgan & Elizabeth
Czypser & Mineko