Additional News about Coronation!

by | Last updated Mar 1, 2024 | All News

Greetings Atenveldt! As we draw closer to having Coronation, there are a few updates and reminders for the populous 
1. September 31st  DISCOUNT! Remember that if you register by September 31st the cost is $10 (member price) . On October 1st the price increases to $15 (member price). Please help me have an accurate number of attendees as early as possible. It helps to have an accurate number as early as possible so we know how to best set-up the event to accommodate everyone’s comfort. 
2. Registration has a HARD DEADLINE of October 20th! 
3. We are going to have Merchants!!!! So, start counting those pennies and get ready to support some of your favorite merchant’s and maybe a few new ones. If you or someone you know is interested in Merchanting at Coronation, please use this link to a google form to apply Merchant Application for Coronation 2021
4. Thrown Weapons. The Thrown Weapons tournament will be happening alongside the Archery Tournament at Granite Mountain Archers. If you are interested in becoming a Court Ninja and the new Thrown Weapons Champion for their highness’ reign, please consider competing in the Thrown Weapons Tourney. 
5. Please feel free to bring personal shade for the event as long as your stakes are less than 12 inches and you are willing to respect the marked irrigation lines. We can not be responsible for shades left overnight but you are welcome to take the chance of leaving it up. 

6. Accommodations. Many people have mentioned a concern for the local accommodations. I understand that budget and availability can be hard to work around for everyone. Please know that if you are willing to drive about 30 minutes from the site, there are other lodging accommodations in Prescott and Prescott Valley that may better fit your budget.

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