Covid 19 Poll Response

Written by Kingdom Social Media

Good gentles of Atenveldt, 

Many thanks for those of you who responded to our research (153 so far and it is not closing any time soon). Please note, this was not a “vote” but information seeking. As we navigate the operational requirements to run a local organization, it is good to know where people stand. 

As you might imagine, we are strongly divided between those who desire additional requirements for vaccination/testing and those who are opposed to such requirements. Messages and comments were clear that on-going attendance is at risk no matter which way we proceed as well as strong beliefs that the choices one way or another are discriminatory.

While there were many comments about requiring these only at larger gatherings or leaving it group to group or event to event, what may have been lost in translation is that a partial embrace of the policy is not permitted. The Corporate Policy can be enacted only in its entirety for every event and gathering (fighter practice, etc.) or not at all. It must be consistently enacted to prevent discrimination and to manage the records consistently. The lack of opportunity for compromise reinforces my decision that we continue without invoking the proposed SCA Corporate policy.

With that in mind, I wish to clarify or expose some myths:

Myth #1: The kingdom is not permitting any events. Events are welcome, we have not only opened the calendar but removed the feast restrictions. If you have ideas for events, please follow the bid submission process to your local nobility (if a baronial event) or submit to to engage the Kingdom Financial Committee.

Myth #2: Corporate is requiring us to wear masks. The mask mandate is a kingdom level decision. Because we have opted not to enact the vaccination policy, we continue to expect the populace to wear masks and stay home if exposed or feeling unwell.

Myth #3: Other kingdoms have been more successful than Atenveldt holding events. While some kingdoms have gone forward with events, others have not. As an interesting statistic, the month we canceled Crown and made final decisions about Border Wars, 16 other kingdoms also filed variances with the Board of Directors to adjust their laws and calendars. 

Our offices and all events are run by volunteers. We have no paid staff to draw from, nor human resource agencies to come to our aid. The royals, the landed nobility and the officers have all been doing their best to create opportunity, balance risk and keep the lights on for all and it has been an exhausting two years. Even more for those who have been deeply involved since prior to the pandemic, which is most. 

We are far from the only group experiencing troubles. Please don’t let pictures of people in garb on Facebook advise you of the state of the SCA today. I wish to heap praise on the heads of ALL the officers across the kingdom for these last two years. We have learned much together and continue to do so. As we continue forward, let us all remain, Atenveldt.


Nichelle Whitewolfe, Atenveldt Seneschal

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