Do you wish there was a away to show the entire Kingdom what you are capable of artistically? Or, do you have a friend who you wish would show off their works more often?

Do you sit and wonder who does the art you are interested in? Do you sometimes wonder if there are others out there who have an interest in learning from you?

Are you, or is a friend you know, a student or non-Laurel-peer who loves the arts and sciences, but you don’t know where to go or how to connect with others?

NEVER FEAR! Artisan Now! is here to help you! With a three step process, you, or your friend, can have an article about you and your arts! The first step is to take a brief (30 minutes for most) survey. This gets us started in figuring out who you are! Step two is a verbal interview. Due to Corona-19 Virus constraints and precautions, we are conducting these verbal interviews over Zoom. We schedule a time that works best for you, and we record the interview for the purposes of the article. No Garb Required! Step three is proof-reading the written article about you! We know that this can sometimes be surreal, but this allows your input in the final product!

If this is something that interests you, then lets get started! Either share this article with a friend who you think should participate, take the survey yourself, or email your recommendation to! We look forward to discovering who you are as an artisan in the Kingdom of Atenveldt!

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