Barony of Twin Moons Financial Policy – 2022

The Barony of Twin Moons follows the Kingdom of Atenveldt Financial Policy as its financial policy with the following addendums. It does not replace or supersede the Society Financial Policy or Kingdom of Atenveldt Financial Policy.

Addendums to Kingdom Financial Policy

Financial Committee Membership:
The Financial Committee shall be composed of 5 members: 3 from the Officer Core and 2 from the Populace Representatives.  The Officer Core shall always consist of the Baron and Baroness (1 vote), the Barony Seneschal (1 vote), and the Barony Exchequer (1 vote).  The Populace Representatives shall be composed of two paid members of the Barony populace (1 vote each).  A majority vote of the entire Financial Committee is needed to approve a proposal.

Frequency of the Financial Committee Meetings:
The financial committee shall meet at least once per quarter.  Electronic communications documented by the Barony Exchequer are acceptable for Financial Committee meetings and votes.  If a committee member cannot be present at a Financial Committee meeting, a designated deputy of that member may cast a vote in his or her stead.  This deputy must be approved by a majority vote of the Financial Committee to vote in financial matters of the Barony.

Terms of Office for the Financial Committee:
All voting members of the Financial Committee shall relinquish their voting status when they are no longer a Society member and/or upon the expiration of their warrant of office.  The two Populace Representatives will serve for a one-year term, renewable with approval from the Officer Core by majority vote.

Barony of Twin Moons Feast Policy:
Feasts will be determined event by event.  This Barony will follow the Kingdom of Atenveldt Prepaid Feast Policy.

Event Admission Charges and Complimentary Passes
The Baron and Baroness, Crowns, Crown Prince and Princess, visiting landed nobility, Seneschal, Exchequer, Event Steward(s), Feast Steward(s), will receive complimentary passes to all Barony events.

Travel Reimbursement:
Total reimbursements from the Barony to the Baron and Baroness for travel expenses shall not exceed $800 per year.

Review period for the Barony of Twin Moons Financial Policy:
The Barony of Twin Moons Financial Policy shall be reviewed on an annual basis and a letter shall be issued to the Kingdom of Atenveldt Chancellor of the Exchequer at the completion of the review stating that the policy remains unchanged, and the Barony of Twin Moons Financial Committee has re-approved for the following year.  All proposed changes to the Barony of Twin Moons’ Financial Policy shall be submitted to the Kingdom Exchequer for review and approval prior to implementation.

Payees must request a refund of pre-event payment via email or US mail from the hosting BTM Exchequer and Event Steward no later than five business days prior to the start of the event and must include a valid mailing address. The BTM Exchequer will issue refunds via paper check within ten business days. 

PayPal refunds:

Refunds will have PayPal fees deducted from the original amount. 

Example 1: A Group charges a $10.00 site fee. Payee A pays for two people, the PayPal fee calculation is: $20.00*2.2% = $0.44 + $0.30 = $0.74; Refund amount- $20.00 – $0.74 = $19.26

Example 2: A Group charges a $10.00 site fee. Payee B pays for two people and pays for one more separately, the PayPal fee calculation is: ($20.00*2.2% = $0.44 + $0.30 = $0.74) + ($10.00*2.2% = $0.22 + $0.30 = $0.52); Total fees = $0.74 + $0.52 = $1.26. refund: $30.00 – $1.26 = $28.74

If BTM miscalculates or mischarges an attendee’s registration fee, the attendee will receive a full refund of the overcharged amount (including PayPal fees). BTM will absorb the PayPal fees as an expense to the event. 

The Barony of Twin Moons 2022 Financial Committee

Officer Core:

Seneschal      Shelbie Cline aka Eirný Þrúðardóttir

Exchequer     Jordyn Nichols aka Elena Zharkova

Baroness        Jessica Nooden aka Tetinka Ribbing

Baron              Eric Nooden aka Seved Ribbing

Populace Representatives:

Populace        Eileen Young  aka Judith Ann

Populace        John Johnson aka John John Ailewrde

All parties listed approved on April 13, 2022