At the March 2nd, 2021 conference call, the Board approved changes to Corpora, located within the Governing Documents of the SCA. This latest update includes the recently revised Introduction (commentary having occurred mid-late 2020). The intent of this revision was to better capture the spirit of inclusivity already embedded in our daily SCA lives, as well as to better reflect the ideals of the updated Mission Statement from 2017. Thank you all for your perspectives and input, which were invaluable in producing this final draft.
As a note, I currently intend to propose another minor redline for Corpora that will standardize some of the pronoun usage that has already begun to shift. As changes generally go out for commentary, the update process can feel a bit slow, but please know that we all are constantly working to ensure our governing documents reflect who we are and who we want to be.
The updated document can be found here: https://sca.org/govdocs
Jessica Van Hattem (DEI)