Officer Ads

Baronial Deputy Sheriff

Feb 7, 2021 |

The Deputy Kingdom Sheriff is delegated specific tasks instructed by the Kingdom Sheriff. The Kingdom Sheriff’s overall duties are:

  • Be responsible for Watch at Kingdom events
  • Be responsible for Lost and Found at Kingdom events and Estrella War, including publishing the list of Lost and Found to the populace, and coordinating an annual Kingdom fundraising auction of non-claimed items
  • Warrant and coordinate sheriffs in local groups throughout the Kingdom
  • Adhere to and enforce the actions and event curfews outlined in corporate guidelines, Kingdom Seneschal policy, and the Atenveldt Sheriff’s Handbook
  • Be warranted by, and report directly to, the Kingdom Seneschal. 
  • Report as follows:
    • A Monthly report including all incident reports in the last month and recapping reports from local sheriffs throughout the Kingdom must be filed with the Kingdom Seneschal and the Crown. 
    • Maintain a Kingdom file of incident reports by event.
  • With other Greater and Lesser Officers, implement and adhere to the financial and reporting guidelines in Section XIV: Estrella War.


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