

The Seneschal is the main administrator, responsible for enforcing the Society’s policies and ensuring procedure is followed.

Ari Anson

Warrant Ends 10/11/2024
Eugene Haraldson
Eugene Haraldson Device: Per pale sable and argent, a sun eclipsed between in bend two broad-arrows counterchanged

Earl Marshal

The Earl Marshal is responsible for overseeing the promotion and safety of martial activities including armored combat, fencing, cut & thrust, archery, throw weapons, siege weapons, and equestrian.

Criostoir Simpson

Warrant Ends 10/30/2024

Chancellor of the Exchequer

The Exchequer is the financial administrator, responsible for tracking and reporting spending and income.

Frans Leifsson

Warrant Ends 8/10/2024
Lady Isabell
Lady Lady Isabel Inghean Alasdair's Heraldry Device