
Fighter Practice

Is your interest piqued? Are you ready to strap on some armor and hit people with sticks? Then why not meet us at a Fighter Practice? Fighter Practice is held almost every week on Tuesday nights from 7pm to 10pm at the Southwest corner of Reid Park in the center of Tucson. It’s a great chance to come out and meet with the Barony and learn with the rest of us. Please be aware that limited loaner armor is available, and you MUST bring your own groin protection.

Populace Meetings

The Barony of Tir Ysgithr has monthly Populace meetings.

All members of the populace, whether paid members or not are invited and encouraged to attend these meetings. During these meetings the Seneschal and the Baron and Baroness will discuss past events, upcoming events, and ask Baronial Officers to give their officer reports.

This is an opportunity for You, the Populace, to see and participate in the inner workings of the Barony. Officers make every effort to attend and participate in these meetings, so if you are interested in becoming an officer, this is a good place to start!

Meetings are usually held at Himmel Park, either in the Himmel Park Library, or just to the South of the Library under the trees (depending on the weather).

Please check the Baronial Calendar for meeting days and times, or the Tusker Times.  Populace Meetings can also be found on the Baronial Facebook page under the “Events” section.

For more information about Populace Meetings, please contact the Baronial Seneschal at


Our target archery program concentrates on traditional archery, using recurves and period bows.

Kingdom of Atenveldt Archery Rules

The Marshal:

Our current Archery Marshal (Captain of Archery) is Lord Etgar Wit Acra

The Marshal is responsible for the safety of all on the Archery Range. The Marshal also keeps records of who is authorized to participate in Target Archery.

Arts & Sciences

Tir Ysgithr offers a wide variety of selected monthly Arts and Sciences Nights to choose from:

The Necessary Arts and Sciences Night is held on the first Wednesday of the month, 6 PM- 9 PM, at the Ward 2 City Council building, 7575 E. Speedway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85710.

It is designed for the populace to come together and work on their projects. Experienced artisans lend their expertise in a wide variety of the necessary arts and sciences (clothing/accessories, textiles/needlework, and decorative/fine art). The arts & sciences office provides the necessary equipment. 

Classes: At the Necessary A&S Night, classes will be held and will be relevant to the current events held within the barony and kingdom, i.e., for an upcoming A&S competition, classes would be offered in Documentation, What to Expect and How to Enter an A&S Competition, and Kingdom Judging Certification.

Cottage Crafts: are those arts and sciences that are hosted in private residential dwellings. They are held monthly, spread throughout the city, and cover a wide variety of arts and sciences. SCA garments are not required.

Scriptoriums (nights dedicated to the arts of calligraphy and illumination): Two baronial scriptoriums are offered monthly, on the first Wednesday of the month, from 7 PM- 9 PM, at the Ward 2 City Council building, 7575 E. Speedway Blvd, Tucson AZ 85710 and third Wednesday of the month, from 7 PM- 9 PM, at the Ward 6 City Council Building, 3202 E 1st St, Tucson AZ 85716.