SunDragon April Events and Call for Largess

by | Last updated Mar 21, 2022 | News

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! April is coming upon us soon and with it so many activities. Please see this extensive list of activities within our illustrious barony so you can plan you month.

April 2nd, 2022Dragon Wing Set Up Assistance – please help us to set up our new dragon wing pavilion – Event info is here.

April 4th, 2022Populace and Officer’s Meeting – this is open to all populace – Event info here.

April 7th, 2020Court Night and Rapier Tournment – Largess collection for Crown/Coronation due – Event info here.

April 9th-10th, 2022Crown Tournament/Coronation – Come see who will be the next King and Queen – Event info here.

April 17th, 2022Archery Bunny Shoot – join us for the annual Bunny Shoot – Event info here.

April 18th, 2022Intro to Weaving, JUMBO Sized – Arts and Science Class infor found here.

All Baronial Events can be found here:

All Kingdom Events can be found here:

Baronial Calendar for all regular events and practices can be found here:


To all our populace, we would like to encourage you to make largess for Crown Tournament for the Barony of SunDragon to donate to kingdom. Please submit any largess you have that you would like to donate to Their Excellencies, no later than April 7th, 2022. Please be sure to lable your donations with your SCA name.

Largess = One of the traditions that makes the SCA unique is the giving and receiving of largesse. When Royals travel or members of the populace perform acts of service, largesse is usually given as a gift or a thank-you to visitors, hosts, and volunteers. More info on Largess here.

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