Oyez! Oyez! Barony of Sun Dragon, we have illustrious news! A Barony of Sun Dragon t-shirt design has been approved and is ready for your purchase. Show your support and pride in the Barony. There are several styles of tops to choose from and in various colors.
You can purchase your Sun Dragon t-shirt here: https://www.bonfire.com/barony-of-sundragon-design-1/?fbclid=IwAR0xN0lR_VxMhxzsCLNBndIzD22DdrXJPefI7YlJftpOt1Evy17CNoe6MW0
These are great to wear at set up or take down at an event or at a casual practice. Orders will be available on-line through August 28 and will ship to you directly on or about August 29th.
A huge thank you to Master Raven Mayne for his efforts on leading this charge and Lady Venora O’Davoreanfor the beautiful design. If this campaign is successful, we may offer other t-shirts in other designs.