Letters Of Intent for the Next Baron and Baroness of Granite Mountain

by | Nov 13, 2024 | News


The Baron and Baroness of Granite Mountain are preparing to conclude their tenure and enjoy

a much deserved retirement. It is time to request Letters of Intent. On Saturday, January 25th

2025 at Northern War Practice there will be a polling for the next pair to lead the barony who will

step up at Polaris War May 22nd – 26th, 2025.

Below are the Guidelines for Participation as a Baronial Candidate:

1. Baronial candidates must be current paid members and must receive their Southwind or

have an SCA membership in a Zip Code belonging to the Barony of Granite Mountain.

2. Candidates must be at least 18 years old.

3. Candidates must have Letters of Intent in the hands of the Crown, the Kingdom

Seneschal, & the Baron & Baroness no later than Friday November 1st. Letters should

be written with the understanding that (if accepted by the Crown), the letters will be

published in the Baronial Newsletter for the populace to review prior to the polling.

4. Candidates must include the below information in their Letter of Intent:

1. Full contact information, including SCA & modern names, addresses, phone

numbers, email, & membership numbers & expiration date

2. Their reasons for seeking the position

3. Their history of participation in the SCA & the Barony of Granite Mountain

4. Their plans for the future of the group

5. Their understanding of the responsibilities of the position of Baron & Baroness.

6. Their statement that they are willing to be installed with a two or three year

warrant in the position, & understand their Letter of Intent will be published in the

Baronial Newsletter if their candidacy is accepted by the Crown.

Questions about these guidelines should be directed to the Kingdom Seneschal at



In addition, please review the following information regarding your participation in the Barony of

Granite Mountain Polling

A polling of the current paid members of the Barony of Granite Mountain will be conducted on

Saturday, January 25th 2025 to determine their support of candidates for Baron & Baroness.

The populace should be aware that if the first polling does not show a clear preference of the

populace, a second polling may be held immediately following the closing & tabulation of ballots

for the first poll. Members are encouraged to plan to remain onsite to participate should a

second poll be necessary.


To participate in all pollings held that day, you must be a Sustaining, Associate, or Family

member who is 18 years old or older, & must receive a Southwind or have an SCA membership

in a Zip Code belonging to the Barony of Granite Mountain.

1. Current paid memberships will be verified on a membership list at the polling site, or you

may present an online membership renewal dated after the date the membership list

was generated by the Milpitas Registry. The Kingdom Seneschal recommends you bring

proof of membership with you to ensure participation in the poll.

2. You must reside in zip codes belonging to the Barony of Granite Mountain, & this will be

verified on the membership list at the polling site.

3. NOTE: Paid members who play in the Barony of Granite Mountain, but do not reside in

the zip codes belonging to the Barony, may not cast ballots. However, they are

encouraged to make their views on candidates known to the Crown by sending personal

letters to the Crown & Kingdom Seneschal expressing their candidate selections &

preferences. The Crown will consider such letters when reviewing the polling results.

4. You must be 18 years old or older & present a picture ID at the polling site that shows

your date of birth or age.


Questions about these guidelines should be directed to the Kingdom Seneschal at


In Service,

Master Edward Harrison

Kingdom Seneschal

LOI: Lord Nicolò di Santi il Candelaio and Lady Allesia de Canaberiis  

Greetings unto Their Majesties, Their Highnesses, the Kingdom Seneschal, and the populace of Granite Mountain!  

We, Lord Nicolò di Santi il Candelaio and Lady Allesia de Canaberiis, respectfully submit this missive to declare our intent to serve as Baron and Baroness of Granite Mountain. Below, we share our reasons for seeking this role, our history in the Society, and our vision for the future of this cherished Barony.  

Our love for Granite Mountain and its people runs deep. Since moving here and becoming part of this vibrant community, we’ve come to deeply appreciate all that the Barony has achieved. As we look ahead, we believe that our passion, leadership, and commitment will serve as powerful tools in continuing Granite Mountain’s legacy and fostering growth in the coming years.  

Between us, we have many years of service within the Society. I, Nicolò, have over three decades of participation, having held roles such as Barony and Kingdom Web minister, as well as numerous offices in different groups. I’ve been honored with the Light of Atenveldt, Guardian of Atenveldt – Legionnaire, and service awards from across the Kingdom, including the Roots and Emerald Heart of Granite Mountain. I’ve also autocrated many events and served as Feastocrat on multiple occasions.  

Allesia has been part of Granite Mountain since its inception and has served as Chronicler and Seneschal. Her service has been recognized as the premier Root of Granite Mountain, the Golden Heart, and the Grace of Granite Mountain. At the Kingdom level, she has been honored with the Light of Atenveldt, Flower of the Desert, and Cypher of the Gratia Coronae. She has also autocrated events and has consistently opened her home to foster community through gatherings and activities.  

Looking to the future, we plan to build upon the strengths of Granite Mountain by supporting activities that our populace loves and providing opportunities for growth. Our focus will be on teaching, fostering community, and encouraging participation. By investing time and resources into martial activities, arts, and service, we aim to empower individuals and create lasting memories. Additionally, we hope to strengthen ties with other groups and raise awareness of the SCA in our region, ensuring that Granite Mountain continues to flourish.  

With experience in leadership positions, we understand the responsibilities that come with being Baron and Baroness. We are willing to serve under a three-year warrant, and we understand that our Letter of Intent will be published in the Ermine Spot if our candidacy is accepted by the Crown.  

In service to the Dream,  


Lord Nicolò di Santi il Candelaio  

Anthony C. Owen    

Membership #: 195762 Exp: 09/30/2025  


Lady Allesia de Canaberiis  

Alice K. Anderson  

Membership #: 203375 Exp: 09/30/2027   

  • The following device associated with this name was registered in June of 2014 (via Atenveldt): 
    Per chevron wavy Or and gules, two otters couchant respectant in chevron sable and an edelweiss blossom argent. 


LOI: His Lordship Robert Delion and Her Ladyship Adrienne Noel deLorraine 

Letter of Intent to Run for Baron and Baroness of Granite Mountain 

Greetings unto Your Royal Majesties, Baldric and Hurrem, Your Royal Highnesses, Morgan and Elizabeth, Your Excellencies, Wade and Ros, Master Edward (Kingdom Seneschal), and to the wonderful populace of the Barony of Granite Mountain. We, The Honorable Lord Robert Delion (Robert Leckliter) and The Honorable Lady Adrienne Noel deLorraine (Adrienne Leckliter) humbly submit our Letter of Intent to run for the positions of Baron and Baroness of the Seventh Wonder of Atenveldt, the Barony of Granite Mountain, for a two-year term (with the option to extend for an additional year). We meet the age requirement for the position and have resided in Granite Mountain since it was a shire and continuing through the years as a barony.  We fully understand the duties required of the position and are willing to undertake those responsibilities. 

THL Adrienne joined the Shire of Granite Mountain in 1996 and THL Robert joined the Shire in 1997.  During the shire days, THL Adrienne served as chronicler and later A&S Minister and THL Robert served as seneschal.  We have been active in the archery, thrown weapons, arts and sciences, and rapier communities.  THL Robert has been both a baronial rapier champion and an archery champion.  THL Adrienne has been both a baronial arts and science champion and a thrown weapons champion.  Over the years, we have gained experience and knowledge serving on the courts for most of the Baron and Baronesses of Granite Mountain, in addition to service on several royal courts. THL Adrienne is currently serving on the courts of both the Barony of Ered Sul and the Barony of Granite Mountain.  Currently, THL Adrienne is the Baronial seneschal and THL Robert is the Baronial rapier marshal.  

As Baron and Baroness, our goals will be to grow the barony and to recognize the hard work and talent of our wonderful populace, who work together to make the dream happen.  We believe that we can grow the barony by: compiling literature to have available to hand out at our local city events, organizing some strategic demos in our community, welcoming those who have stepped away to rejoin our populace, and encouraging all to bring in friends.  We also desire to uphold our long standing and beloved Baronial traditions, retain a full officer core, and encourage the populace’s involvement in the knowledge and experience of becoming event stewards. 

We are seeking these positions because of the love that we have for this Barony and we want to return in kindness all the support and encouragement that we have graciously received.  Now that we are both retired and our daughter is grown, we feel that we now have the time to support the barony in this capacity.  For us, it’s about wanting to see our Barony and her populace continue to grow and thrive.  BGM Rocks, and may the dream continue! 

Yours in Service, 

Her Ladyship Adrienne Noel deLorraine, OGQ (membership # 124520, exp.12-31-25),  

His Lordship Robert Delion, DWS, (membership #124521, exp. 12-31-25),