“Change is the only constant.” – Heraclitus
Greetings to the glorious populace of Granite Mountain, the seventh wonder of Atenveldt!
Our ancient predecessors understood that change is intrinsic part of life. It is not something to be feared… just understood. Although the pandemic (and the transition to being open again) has forced much change upon us, this same change allows us to bring new traditions into being. We are excited at the opportunity to create new activities and events for our Barony and our Kingdom. Discussions about events, wars, and new ways to live The Dream have already begun!
As you are the populace of Granite Mountain and the Kingdom of Atenveldt, your ideas and creativity are essential to bringing life back into our society. Please feel free to reach out with your thoughts by emailing Coronet@BaronyofGraniteMountain.org
Now is the time to Dream!!!
Brian II & Lia Winterbourne