Greetings unto the populace of the Barony of Atenveldt!
On October 16th the Barony will celebrate the investiture of a new Baron and Baroness, Nikolaus and Valdis, and on October 17th they will hold tournaments for their Hardsuit, Rapier, Archery, and Bardic champions. The A&S Champion tournament will be held in Spring 2022.
Letters of Intent are required and should be sent to Interviews with competitors will be conducted by the Baron and Baroness-Elect, Nikolaus and Valdis, prior to October 16th.
1) be a paid member of the Society (highly recommended);
2) be prepared to help plan, organize and host the next Baronial Champions event; and
3) enjoy the grand show that is Court and have a desire to make it more fun for everyone.
All of the Barony of Atenveldt Champions are expected to:
- Stand court at Baronial events (such as the Spring Event, Anniversary, or Yule), as well as end-of-the-month baronial courts. If the champion is attending an event where the Baron and Baroness are in attendance, be prepared to stand with them during court.
- Boldly and often wear the colors and regalia of the position, attend Their Excellencies whenever possible, and meet challenges as needed.
- Promote the activity for which they are champion (archery, bardic, hard suit, rapier, thrown weapons) within the Barony of Atenveldt by encouraging and inspiring those interested to participate in competitions, classes, and other events.
- Enter at least one tournament outside of the borders of the Barony as the representative of the Barony of Atenveldt . This may be at the Kingdom or Baronial level.
- Assist with any tournaments Their Excellencies wish to have at a Wednesday night fighter practice or at events (examples include the Novice Tournament or a quarterly tournament).