Baronial Activities

Here you will find a list of activities that take place in our Barony.

Baronial Meetings

 Populace Meetings: The first Thursday of themonth is our Baronial populace and officers meeting. It is held online through Zoom and occasionally in person! Contact the Seneschal for more information.

Fighter Practice

Fighter Practice For both heavy and rapier, fighter practice is held at the Soccer Field at Encanto Park in Phoenix on Wednesday nights from 8-10 pm

Archery & Thrown Weapons

Archery is held at El Oso park on Sundays at 7am during the summer months and 9am during the winter.

Thrown Weapons is Sundays at 5PM at 3333 W Rancho Dr, Phoenix, AZ.

Arts and Sciences Workshops

Various workshops are held throughout the month contact the Arts and Sciences minister at

Scribal is held at various locations on Tuesdays. Contact Master Ritchyrd McUath at

Visit our Kingdom site for more information about these activities.

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