These will take place on the broken battlefields. Marshal's Point opens at 9:30AM on the main Battlefield. First meet Battle Duration- 4 rounds Description- Armies will turn up on their sides and engage in fighting after lay on had been called. Rez- No rez...
Combat archery
Combat activities offer diverse experiences for enthusiasts of historical martial arts. Armored combat and rapier combat are hands-on sports that recreate medieval and Renaissance fighting styles, with armored combat emphasizing heavy weaponry and rapier combat focusing on agility and precision. Combat archery allows fighters interested in missile arts to engage in dynamic battles, using crossbows to simulate medieval warfare.
Battlefield Heavy Combat Scenarios
These will take place on the main battlefield. Marshal's Point opens at 9:30AM on the Battlefield. Open field Duration- 4 rounds switch sides after 2 Description- each army on one side of the field Rez- no Archery – 1/3 Objective- to the last man.  Bridge Over...