These will take place on the main battlefield. Marshal's Point opens at 9:30AM on the Battlefield.
Armoured combat
Barons’ and Baroness’ Heavy Combat and Rapier Tournaments
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!You are cordially invited to the Barons’ and Baroness’ Heavy Combat and Rapier Tournaments, a contest of valor, skill, and chivalry! Join us as we celebrate the art of combat in a spectacular display of prowess and honor.When: February 14th 2025....
Broken Battlefield Heavy Combat Scenarios
These will take place on the broken battlefields. Marshal's Point opens at 9:30AM on the main Battlefield.
Tip of the Spear Tournament
Join Sir Friday for a traditional Double elimination, best of # round tournament on The Tourney Field. He says, "I am very excited for this tournament! I will be enlisting aid from marshals and list ministers to help run this tournament so that I may participate even...
Known World Squires Tournament
The Knights of Saint Michael invite all Squires to show your prowess at the first War of the Phoenix Known World Squires Tournament.This tournament will be open to any and all fighters in a Squire or other formalized Peer/Student relationship with a member of the...