These will take place on the broken battlefields.
Marshal’s Point opens at 9:30AM on the main Battlefield.
First meet Battle
Duration- 4 rounds
Description- Armies will turn up on their sides and engage in fighting after lay on had been called.
Rez- No rez Archery- 1/3
Objective- Last Team Standing
Push Them Back
Duration- 15 Minutes
Description- There are 3 objective markers(flags) that Defenders must keep in their color. Attackers will push to flip them. Rez- infinite Archery- 1/3 Objective- Defenders- Keep flags on their color
Attackers- Flip all flags to their color
Take the Standard
Duration- 4 rounds, round ends when all flags have been captured.
Description- 3 flags on the field, armies set up on opposite sides. When a flag carrier is killed the flag drops in place.
Rez- no
Archery- 1/3
Objective- Capture as many flags as possible by taking them to your Rez point.
Plant the standard
Duration- 15 minutes
Description- each side will have their own flags that they must take and plant in the enemies flag post. When a flag has been scored, a new flag will be placed back at your Rez point. When a flag carrier is killed the flag drops in place.
Rez- yes every minute
Archery- 1/3
Objective- plant as many flags as possible during the time while preventing the event from planting any.
Final Showdown
Duration- 20 minutes
Descriptions- the field is open, Rez point will be determined by Marshal.
Rez- Unlimited
Archery- 1/3
Objective- Fight!