Oyez, oyez, great populace of SunDragon, check out what is going on in our wonderful barony, come out and join the fun!
Populace and Officer Meeting:
Please come to the meeting and find out what is going on in the Barony. Officers are encouraged to attend and submit reports.
Day: Usually the first Monday of the Month
- Date: March 4th
- Time: 7:00 pm
- Location: Peoria Community Center – 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ 85345
Google meet login: https://meet.google.com/ige-ouqe-wzm
Fighter Practice:
Fighter practice is Fighter practice is on Thursday nights at Asante Park East Field
- Days: Thursdays
- Times: 7pm -10pm
- Location: Asante Park 16763 W. Verde Solana Dr Surprise East Field
Court Night & Tournament: St. Patty’s Day Tourney
- Date: March 14th
- Fighter practice is Fighter practice is on Thursday nights at Asante Park East Field
- Days: Thursdays
- Times: 7pm -10pm
- Location: Asante Park 16763 W. Verde Solana Dr Surprise East Field
Baron Duncan’s Wednesday Melee:
- Day: 1st Wednesday of the month
- Date: March 6th
- Time: 7:30*10:00 pm
- Location: Encanto Sports Complex, 2121 N 15th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85007, USA
Archery Practice:
Archery is on its winter hours. It is on the back side of the park, off of 73rd Ave. Parking on the street.
- Days: Sundays
- Times: 9:00am – 11:00 am
- Location 0n: El Oso Park – 3451 N 75th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85033
Archery Tournaments St Patty’s Day Shoot BOA
- Date: March 10th
- Times: 9:00 am –11:00 am
- Location: El Oso Park – 3451 N 75th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85033
Archery Tournament: Bunny Shoot
- Date: Sunday March 31st
- Times: 9:00am – 11:00 am
- Location: El Oso Park – 3451 N 75th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85033
Attention Atenveldt Archers!
Our scouts have reported that an army of evil Easter Bunnies are amassing on our borders. The army of evil Easter Bunnies will show up on our field of battle (El Oso Archery Range) on Easter Sunday March 31. Sun Dragon is calling all archers who wish to defend our kingdom from this vile threat.
9:00 AM, El Oso Archery Range (3451 N 75th Ave). Her Ladyship Cealleach and Lady Ciaran will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt for the little ones on behalf of her most Excellency Elizabeth.
Please come out and join us in this most fun event.
For those of you that may be unfamiliar with our Bunny Shoot, this is a badge shoot. Distances will be 20, 30, 40 and 50 yards.
Gold badges: you will fire ONE arrow at each of the distances. Hit a bunny 🐰 get a gold badge.
Black badges: you will be able to fire FIVE arrows at each distance (if needed). Hit a bunny and get a black badge.
One special Easter Egg badge will be given out, this will be earned by being closest to the center of an Easter Egg clout target. You will get to fire SIX arrows at the clout target. Distance will be between 75 and 80 yards.
Hope to see you all there on the 31st!
THL Ulrich Von Wolfsfeldt
Scribes is being held on Tuesdays every week. We rotate going to different people’s houses. Addresses available via messenger or on the Baronial Calendar. Online link to join the fun virtually is available on the calendar
- Times: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
- March 5th –Her Ladyship Aurora’s Abode
- March 12th – Lady Marion’s Mansion
- March 19th –Master Gregoire’s Fortress
- March 26th -Her Ladyship Aurora’s Abode
Special Classes:
“Open Sewing or Arts and Sciences Day”
- Date: Saturday, March 16
- Time: 9am to 3pm
- Address: 7624 W Hearn Rd, Peoria, AZ 85381
Please join us at the home of THL Aurora Faw for open sewing or A & S day. Bring your current project over to work on it. If you want help or assistance with any particular sewing, please bring it with you.
THL Aurora Faw
“Beading Class – Make and Take or Largess”
- Date: Saturday, March 16
- Time: 3pm
- Address: 7624 W Hearn Rd, Peoria, AZ 85381
Lady Kolfina the Quiet has suddenly come into and abundance of BEADs! She invites the populace to join her in reducing her bead stash. She will be teaching a class on how to put together beaded creations. You can make a little something for yourself or you can create largess.
$1 donation for her personal supplies appreciated. Attendees are welcome to bring any of their own tools they might have.
Reminder: Border Wars is having a largess contest of 4 things, which could easily be accomplished in this class. The largess will have one of each donations going to each of the three sponsoring baronies and one to the kingdom.
THL Aurora Faw
Other important dates:
Please note: The Baronial Calendar is a fantastic resource to reference in order to stay up to date on any activities or changes. The Baronial Calendar is located here: https://www.atenveldt.org/sundragon/news
March 9th – Sun, Sand & Sword (SBS)
March 21st thru 24th – Border Wars (BOA, BSD, BTM)
March 30th – Aten U
April 6th – Sable Knight (CSF)
April 13th – Gaelic Games (SW)
April 20th – Kingdom A&S (BTY)
April 26th thru 28th – Barmaids (BMMT)
May 4th & 5th – Coronation (BSD)