War of the Phoenix

War of the Phoenix

Staff and Volunteering

Below you will find all of the people who are making this War a success and how to contact them.

War of the Phoenix Needs You!

Our Society runs on volunteers and War of the Phoenix is no different. No event can happen without your help. Hundreds  of hours will go into this event, volunteered by people on vacation just like you.

Please consider giving a little bit of your precious time, sharing the load with the rest of our incredible team this year. Make some new friends, do something new, and learn how the magic happens by filling a shift in a department you’ve never tried out before. Most positions require no prior experience, only a couple hours of your time.

RIGHT NOW we are filling shifts for

  • Front Gate Registration
  • Watch
  • And so many other opportunities await!

Be that smiling face leaving the light on for the weary traveler.

To find out about all the other volunteer opportunities at War of the Phoenix this year, email by clicking the box to the right
Stay In the Loop the old fashioned way, by being Part of the Magic behind the curtain.

Last Updated on April 4, 2024 12:51 pm