Below are some of the various things we do and how to connect with eachother to engage in these endevors!
Populace Meetings:
First Monday of the month from 7-9. Usually held at the Peoria Community Center All are welcome to this free event. Garb is encouraged for populace but not required.
Archery & Thrown Weapons
Archery: Sunday mornings. 7am-10am in the summer, 9am-noon in winter at El Oso Park, 75th Ave and Indian School on the East side of the Park.
Thrown Weapons: Friday nights at 7pm-10pm at a populace member’s home. Main cross roads are 67th Ave and Union Hills.
Arts & Sciences Workshops
Scribal Nights – Tuesdays from 6-9. Rotating schedule at various people’s houses.
A & S Nights – Thursdays from 6-9 pm. (When and how often varies).
Fighter Practice
Fighter practice are Sundays from 6-9 during the summer and 2-5 during the winter at Pioneer Park in Peoria at 83rd and Olive. NE corner of the park. Court nights are the second Sunday of every month at Fighter practice. Populace members also come out just to visit. Garb is encouraged!