Come and enjoy making a delicious brandied Raspberry lemonade and a limeade. Each person will take home a small jar with th flavor of their choice with them. There will be samples to enjoy. Wednesday 3pm, Table 4 Saturday 12pm, Table 4 18+ yrs, Limit of 12, $2 Fee...
Arts & Sciences Academy
Dive into classes like cheesemaking, blackwork embroidery, kumihimo, acid-etched metal, and pewter casting. Learn to create period oil lamps, design Celtic knots, or craft a pincushion sun! Join the Known World Choir, prep for the Grand Ball, and even translate your SCA skills to your modern resumé. With something for everyone, it’s a celebration of knowledge and creativity you won’t want to miss!
Round Braiding
This is any easy braid. You probably did it in boy/girl scouts and Camp Fire girls. Make great cords or decorative trim. 18+ yrs, Limit of 10, $10 Fee Lady Judith Anne
Intermediate Fingerloop Braid
Learn new skills and patterns to make more kinds of braids and bands Wednesday 2pm, Table 1 Thursday 2pm, Table 3 Friday 2pm, Table 3 Saturday 1pm, Table 5 12+ yrs, Limit of 12, $0 Fee Domina Aurelia Limoniana
Basic Fingerloop Braid
Learn to make decorative and functional braids and bands. Wednesday 1pm, Table 1 Thursday 1pm, Table 3 Friday 1pm, Table 3 Saturday 12pm, Table 5 12+ yrs, Limit of 12, $0 Fee Domina Aurelia Limoniana
Jam Session
Come and learn to make jam for your daily use. We will make a berry jam that each person will take back to camp with them. This is a period activity with a modern twist. Cost for the class is $2. There will also be samples! 18+ yrs, Limit of 12, $2 Fee Lady Auelyn...
Attendees will learn how and make an 8-strand round braid "dragon key keeper" (key chain). All materials will be provided. 12+ yrs, Limit of 10, $0 Fee Thegn Valdis Skarpa
Introduction to Period Non-Court Ballads
TSivia has studied historical ballads in French, English, and Scandinavian since 1973. She will introduce you to both musical and textual patterns to both date authentic songs and to help you write your own songs of derring do and chivalry. 18+ yrs, No Limit, $0 Fee...
Basic Blackwork
Lady Juliette Marion Geant Learn the brief history of this beautiful form of embroidery and the basics to make a bookmark. 18+ yrs, Limit of 5, $0 Fee
Introduction to Bardic I
"An interactive class, this Intro to Bardic class offers an introduction to the bardic arts within the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). Participants will explore the rich history and roles of bards across various cultures, including Irish bards, Norse skalds,...
Introduction to Cheesemaking
We will go over basic and advanced supplies, books, and other resources for Cheesemaking. 18+ yrs, No Limit, $0 Fee Lord Floki the Ginger
The Lucet Cord
Learn the old Norse technique for creating a braided cord using a lucet. The class will include information on historical findings of lucets and lucet cords 18+ yrs, Limit of 10, $0 Fee Lady Musa-Sunnifa
Let’s Make Marscapone
Students will get to make marscapone and take some with them. 18+ yrs, Limit of 8, $3 Fee Lord Floki the Ginger
Beginning Chainmaille
"Come learn to make chainmaille. Students will learn the they byzantine weave and take home a keychain" 18+ yrs, Limit of 15, $2 Fee Chang Maille
Introduction to Bardic II
"This follow-up workshop to Introduction to Bardic (I) is designed to provide a supportive and interactive space for beginners to develop their bardic skills. Participants are invited to bring works-in-progress—whether it’s a story, song, or poem—or start fresh during...
Sewing a Pincushion Sun
Come learn how to make a simple plush sun that can be used as a pin cushion or a cute decoration. This would be an awesome largess item as well! No sewing experience necessary, this class project will be very beginner friendly. Open to youth (must be able to use...
Norse Wire Weaving
Learn the Old Norse technique for creating a wire woven chain. The class will include ways to make closures so you can wear the chains as necklaces. I will also briefly discuss historical findings of wire woven chains. Thursday 3pm, Table 3 Friday 2pm, Table 2 18+...
Tips for Falling Safely
"Do you find yourself tripping and/or falling on a regular basis and want to lessen how much they hurt? Do you fight rapier, hardsuit, or do any other sport where impacts are a potential hazard? If you answered yes to either of these questions or just want to come by,...
Fiber Circle
Bring your fiber project to work on with other fiber artists. Need assistance with spinning, knitting, inkle and rigid heddle weaving, kumihimo, hand sewing, embroidery, or blackwork (maybe a little crochet on the side ;)? Bring your troublemaker projects and I'll...
Intermediate Bardic I
"This class is designed for bards who have mastered the basics and are ready to take their craft to the next level. Building on foundational storytelling, singing, and performance techniques, this session explores advanced skills such as layering complexity in...
Acid Etched Metal
This class covers resists, etching with acid, safety and clean up. Students will make one brass chookie to take with them. 18+ yrs, Limit of 10, $5 Fee Dame Kristen Matz
Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages
This will be a three-part class (approximately 4 hours). On day one, during the first hour, Mistress Elieth will talk about the characteristics of pilgrimages and mention some of the most important ones during the Middle Ages. During the second hour, Dame Angele and...
Make a period oil lamp
Do you want to light your encampment the period way? This demonstration of vegetable oil lamps shows why they're safer and more cost-effective than candles or lamp-oil lights. You'll leave class with a functioning oil lamp using the provided glass jar. Handout...
Mordants and Other Things Affecting Textile Dying
I will be covering generally used Mordants in period and other factors affecting dye and how it is absorbed. 18+ yrs, No Limit, $0 Fee Dama Nastas'ia Volkovicha
Artisan Display – Peers
Friday will be set aside for our peers to display their arts. All Laurels, Pelican, Knights and MODs bring out your beautiful art to displayed.
14th Century Meet Up & Salon
Please come by for an informal gathering to talk about our favorite "one true century". Put names to faces. Ask about a mystery garment you have seen in a picture. Share a favorite illuminated book of hours. Interest in this time period is growing so whether you are a...
Pewter Cast Buttons
This is an advanced pewter casting class. Students will be creating a 3 part mold and casting buttons. Some previous pewter casting experience is helpful. 18+ yrs, Limit of 10, $10 Fee Dame Kristen Matz
Pins and Brooches and Buttons, Oh My!
A hands on discussion of the types of pins, brooches, buttons and other dress accessories that were used in the SCA timeframe. I will have examples for people to handle. Questions welcome! 18+ yrs, No Limit, $4 Fee Mistress Eirny Thorvaldsodottir
Displaying Your Art
You create amazing works of art - but how do you share it with others within our Kingdom and beyond? Learn some creative ways to promote your art and discuss ways that you have as well! Students are encouraged to bring pictures of their current displays. 18+ yrs, No...
Learn how to create much-needed cords for Kingdom award medallions. 18+ yrs, Limit of 6, $0 Fee Lady Juliette Marion Geant
Intermediate Bardic II
"This followup workshop to Intermediate Bardic (I) invites bards to refine their craft through hands-on practice and constructive feedback. Building on foundational skills, participants will work on their own stories, songs, or poems with guidance tailored to elevate...
8 Period Stitches (Embroidery)
Learn 8 embroidery stitches used through out the medieval era. All supplies are provided, but you are welcome to bring your own if you have them. This is a beginners class. Friday 3pm, Table 3 Saturday 2pm, Table 1 18+ yrs, Limit of 12, $0 Fee Mistress Ealasaid nic...
Grand Ball Rehearsal
Instrumentalists who wish to perform for the Valentine Grand Ball will be rehearsing the dance selections. 18+ yrs, No Limit, $0 Fee Master Thome Spyle Syngere
Paternosters: What and how
Students will learn about the history of paternosters and will also make one. 12+ yrs, No Limit, $10 Fee Domina Aurelia Limoniana
Anglo Saxon Embroidery
An overview of the importance and use of embroidery during the Anglo Saxon era, and the types of stitches used. The student will try out the stitches most generally used during this period. Thread, material, and needles are supplied. Please bring a pair of scissors....
Introduction to Celtic Knotwork Design
This introductory class on Celtic knotwork design explores the history, cultural significance, and fundamental techniques behind this iconic art form. Students will begin with an overview of Celtic knotwork’s origins and symbolism, examining examples from manuscripts...
Artisan Display – Populace
Saturday will be set for our Populace. Ladies and Lords, bring out and display your beautiful work for all to see.
So You Want to Make Kimchi?
Brief history of kimchi, the different types of equipment needed and a demo of how to make 1 type of kimchi. Participants are able to take some kimchi with them if they bring a jar. 12+ yrs, No Limit, $0 Fee Li Sù Jié zhǔfù
Beginner Knitting
Learn the basics of knitting while making a face washcloth. All materials provided. 18+ yrs, Limit of 5, $0 Fee Lady Juliette Marion Geant
Bardic Wisdom, A Panel Discussion with the Whiskey Bards
Join The Whiskey Bards for an engaging and lively panel discussion where bards and fans alike can ask questions and dive deep into all things bardic and performance. Whether you're curious about crafting compelling stories, perfecting your stage presence, writing...
Intro to Asiatic Archery
In this class, we will be primarily looking at bows with siyahs, and the consequences this has for arrow design and thumb draw. I will have small sample of bows, arrows. and thumb rings. If you have an Asiatic bow, you are welcomed to bring it to class for discussion....
Artisan Display – Last Day
Sunday, we will have a short display time from 10 to 12. This is open for anyone who was not able to attend Friday or Saturday artisan display times.