Chauncey Ranch, Mayer
August 29-September 1, 2024

There was once a mighty star who ruled the northern skies. Polaris was convinced that he was the brightest and strongest of all of the heavens. One day, it came to his ears, that there was one brighter and stronger than he, but though he searched, he could not see it. Gradually, he heard through the grapevine, that a lovely maiden had possession of one brighter than he, though this star dominated the southern skies. He was determined to find out if that were true.
Come one and all to the third Polaris War in the beautiful lands of the Barony of Granite Mountain and help Polaris determine who is the brightest and strongest amongst the heavens! Contests will include bardic, rapier, armored combat, archery, and thrown weapons. We will have arts and science classes, as well. For those that wish to participate, Saree Saturday is returning! Join us for a long weekend of revelry and fun!
(More information will be forthcoming about specific events and times)
Event fees: Early registration $45 (members), $55 non-members; if you pay at gate there will be an additional $5 charge. Day trip: $20 members, $30 non-members. Free dry RV spaces are available.
Cabins: We will have some cabins available for rent for an additional $250. These are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. (Cabins sleep 8-12 people, so it is strongly suggested that they are shared with your barony, household, or group of friends.) Cabins can be reserved beginning on June 15 th . Payments for cabins must be received by August 1st or they will be reallocated to someone on the waiting list. Contact Dame Leticia to reserve a cabin at
Site information: 18970 E. Old Sycamore Rd., Mayer. Site opens at noon on Thursday
and closes at noon on Sunday. Loud noise ends at midnight. The site is wet.
Event steward team:

  • Brian Cole (Brian Winterbourne) ,
  • Robert Leckliter (Robert Delion) ,
  • Tom Highline (Gunnar Skullsplitter) ,
  • Adrienne Leckliter (Adrienne Noel deLorraine)
  • Paula Putao (Leticia Troischesnes)
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