Barony of Atenvelt’s Baronial Champion Oct. 25-27, 2024
When: For Archery Champions will be on Oct. 20. 2024 at the normal archery place and time.
For Thrown Weapons (TBD).
For Hardsuit, Rapier, Bardic, A&S and Youth will be on Oct. 26 th , 2024 9 am to 6pm
Where: Hollis Park; 3421 S. Kenneth Pl. Tempe, AZ 85282
It is time for the Barony to get New Champions, who are willing and able to Champion the honor of the Barony of Atenveldt. Their Excellencies will hold a day of tournaments to determine their new Baronial Champions to represent the Barony to the rest of the Kingdom and the Known World. As a gift to their populace, Their Excellencies have declared that this event is FREE!! Their Excellencies will also be providing a soup kitchen for the populace to enjoy. If you have any questions regarding the responsibilities of each Champion, please contact either the current Champions or their Excellencies. All are encouraged to participate in the competition, but those wishing to declare intent to serve as a Champion for a year must submit a letter of intent by Oct. 2, 2024.
Site Fee: FREE!
Autocrat: Ustat Ra’id ibn al Za’Rur